Paint Landscapes like a Pro

From November 11 to December 9, 12 pm ET, join this 4-class course, fit for Intermediate artists.

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Even if you're a beginner, you have a lot to learn from more advanced content. We're not going over basics like how to do a wash, but this is for those who want to learn how to do a landscape.

<div class="editor-content"><p>Steve Mitchell (@mindofwatercolor)</p></div>,

Steve Mitchell (@mindofwatercolor)

Artist and Teacher

What is the Course about?

It's a beautiful feeling to want to sit down and paint...

...until you're there. With the paints, the paper, the brushes... and have no idea where even to start.

Maybe you do the underdrawing, lay down your washes, and then... Wait. How do you even layer this correctly? What if you mess it up?

The self-doubt settles in, the frustration builds up, and what was meant to be pleasant turns into the most frustrating experience.

What if it didn't have to be this way?

From Foundation to Techniques

From composition and colour theory to create a sense of light and shadow in your work, depth, texture and atmosphere, at the end of this course, you will have the confidence and skills to create your original landscape paintings.

A Step-by-Step Approach

Learn how to effectively integrate watercolour landscape elements such as skies, clouds, various landscapes, and water, into a complete piece. 

The program includes 4 live classes and a Live Feedback Session.

Structured Course designed for Learning

With weekly Live classes and assignments to keep you engaged. Join Steve, live, every time:

<div class="editor-content"><p><strong>Intermediate Level</strong></p></div>

Intermediate Level

If you're comfortable with watercolours, this is for you.

<div class="editor-content"><p>Live or Recorded</p></div>

Live or Recorded

Watch Live and ask Steve your questions in real time, or submit them and catch up later.

<div class="editor-content"><p><strong>Weekly Assignments &amp; Feedback</strong></p></div>

Weekly Assignments & Feedback

Submit your work and receive Feedback from Steve & your peers

Join us and Make More Art

Purchase this course individually, or subscribe to our platform and access this course and 400h+ of content.

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A good teacher turns on lights. I cater to those who are trying to learn the medium and get better at it.

<div class="editor-content"><p>Steve Mitchell (@mindofwatercolor)</p></div>,

Steve Mitchell (@mindofwatercolor)

Artist and Teacher

What are others saying

I love the way he teaches and is so ready to answer questions (and there were quite a few). Steve takes time with those of us who were struggling!


Susan Leadbeater


Loved it. Very clear teaching and gives many tips to foward our work.


Miriam Manis


I’ve been watching Steve on Youtube for years and he's always easy to understand because he explains it very well. I don’t talk english as a main language, but still no problem.


Ann-Marie Löfberg


Steve Mitchell

Steve Mitchell is a South Carolina-based artist who has been passionate about art since childhood. He specializes in creating landscapes, portraits, and historical paintings using pencil, ink, and watercolour.

Through his teaching, Steve aims to inspire others to explore different media and techniques and celebrate the beauty of the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get my money back if I don't like the course?

We offer a no-questions-asked 7 day money back guarantee, counting from the purchase date.

We only ask that you request a refund before spending two hours or more on the course. We will then, proceed with the refund and cancelation.

The guarantee extends to all classes or courses that are purchased individually but not to our subscriptions.

What will I learn in each class?

Great question! Here is a short description for every single class:

Session 1: Skies

(Length: 1hr)

Learn the secrets to effectively painting the sky by learning about the different cloud types. Steve will go in-depth with the techniques in creating watercolour skies and how to integrate skies in the ground elements to come later.

Session 2: Trees

(Length: 1hr)

Learn how to paint organic trees in a landscape by understanding their structure and rendering them simply. Steve will also talk about how to differentiate trees that are up close and distant, suggesting depth and perspective to your landscape piece. 

Session 3: Landforms and Water

(Length: 1hr)

Learn how to paint some of the many elements that make up a landscape by studying hills, rocks, underbrush, and water. In this class, you will discover how these elements flow together into a cohesive whole, completing the final set of elements you need for the final landscape piece.

Session 4: Putting it Altogether

(Length: 1hr)

Learn how to seamlessly blend all the landscape elements to create a captivating and cohesive watercolour masterpiece. Steve will walk you through a step-by-step approach in painting a full landscape scene.

How long is each class?

Each class will be around 90 minutes. 

Will this course be completely live?

Pretty much, yes. The teacher will do a live stream for every class. All audio will be live, but the art-making portion is pre-recorded to ensure the best quality with minimum technical issues. 

You will be able to participate live through the chat function. The teacher and the host will address all your questions and pause the video if needed.

After each live session, the recording will be available for replay.

During the course, the teacher will also address questions from participants on the Etchr website.

At the end of the course, we will do a fully live Feedback session with the teacher. You'll be able to participate via chat, ask all your questions, and get feedback on your final assignment.

What if I can't attend all the Live classes?

No Problem! Each week has an assigned class. You are welcome to join the Live class and watch the class with other participants or watch the recording of the class at your own time during the week.

We also have a recorded video for each homework that we will upload right after the Live Class takes place.

I'm a subscriber. Do I have to purchase this course separately?

This course is free for all Subscribers.

Please email us at to indicate your interest in participating, and you are all set.

If you'd like to subscribe, please go to this page.

*Program participation is withdrawn once the subscription is no longer active.

How much will I be able to interact with the Artist?

The teacher will be present for every single class, available to answer any questions.

How detailed would the feedback be?

Each class will present you with a new challenge assignment. If you submit it on the Etchr website asking for critique, you will get feedback from the teacher and other group members.

At the end of the course, the teacher will also provide feedback on your final piece in a Live Feedback Session.

However, it is worth noting that this feedback will be at a high level; something to guide your next steps. This is also reflective of the price being charged for the 6-class series plus the support and feedback provided along the way.

What art supplies will I need?

Here's the complete list of supplies:

Please find everything you need for this course in the Course PDF.

I still have questions!

We're here to help. Please shoot us an email at and we will get back to you as quickly as possible.

Art makes us Human. Come Alive

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