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Intermediate Drawing: Objects and Still Lifes - Session 2: Paint Tube


The second session of the 5-part Course Intermediate Drawing: Objects and Still Lifes. 

This is PART 2 of the Introduction to Drawing Course which follows a structured curriculum designed by artist Tina Hotchkiss (@tinasartforms). The Course runs from January 25th to March 7th with an optional live feedback session, streaming every Thursday at noon ET. Check out the Upcoming Live Session schedule.

This intermediate drawing course picks up where Tina Hotchkiss’ Introduction to Drawing course ended. Learn how to analyze a reference photo and perspective, approach more challenging angles, and add more character to the objects with textures, details, and embellishments, focusing on carving out more complex individual objects using under-drawing block-outs. 

NOTE: Completion of Introduction to Drawing or previous understanding of perspective and dimension is highly recommended. 

Learn more about this program here.

Watch the past recordings of this course here.

This course is for intermediate to advanced artists comfortable with perspective and dimensions, and using the medium.


Online Timezone Converter

  • LA Time 9 am PST February 1 (Thursday)

  • NY Time 12 pm EST February 1 (Thursday)

  • London Time 5 pm GMT February 1 (Thursday)


Session 1: Stack of Books

(Length: 1hr)

Learn how to use vanishing points of different subjects as Tina shows you how to draw a stack of books using different vanishing points for each book on the same horizon line/eye level. This creates a still life of 3 books stacked, all placed at different angles. You will also learn to add lettering with proper perspective and artistic personality using a bit of colour. By the end of this class, you'll be able to freehand underdrawing of boxes/books successfully. 

Session 2: Paint Tube

(Length: 1hr)

Learn how to draw cylinders, circles, and tapering objects while drawing a paint tube. You will go through the process of starting with a box first, carving out the cylindrical tub shape of the image in the reference photo, and finishing it by adding details of squeeze marks and lettering to create this item. By the end of this class, you'll be able to see any cylindrical and circular objects and draw them freely. 

Session 3: Paint Brush

(Length: 1hr)

Learn how to draw narrow objects while drawing a paint brush, starting with a box it fits in and carving the shape out of that box. Learn how to analyze the shape of the brush and divide the box into the parts of a paint brush, and add details as a final step to have a successful drawing. 

Session 4: Watercolour Tin

(Length: 1hr)

Learn how to draw a still life of a watercolour tin with a box by using an under-drawing block-out to create the view you want. In this class, the student learns how to alter the view shown in the reference photo. What happens when the horizon line is raised and lowered? What view does the artist want? All of these questions will guide you through drawing a successful piece.

Session 5: Bringing it all together - Brayer

(Length: 1hr)

Bring all the skills learned in the previous class and incorporate them in one drawing of a brayer. A brayer is a complex shape with many angles to place. In this class, Tina will show you how to analyze the reference photo to find the horizon line/eye level and place the vanishing points. You will also learn how an under-drawing block-out simplifies objects into basic shapes. If we can draw the box the object fits in, we can draw any object!


Find a complete list of supplies used during the Course in the Info PDF.